Thursday, September 25, 2008

Freedom Writer : The Movie

I wonder, when we see someone, what do we see? Do we see them as individual, as a human being? Having the same right as God’s creation to the air we breathe, to the warmth of the sun, the freedom to choose and to life? Or do we see people based on their color, their religion or their beliefs?

Then I look around me and I see genocides, war, hatred, misunderstanding and death. And I wonder, why could we not be more tolerable? After watching this show entitled “Freedom Writer” star by Hilary Swank, I believe that what we lack in this world today is love, genuine, unselfish love and the believe that there’s good in each of us.

Well, some might argue that all of us have that love. Well, yes and no. Adolf Hitler also propagates love but his love is only for his own people, the Aryan race. And because of this so called loop sided love, it marks one of the darkest moment in the history of mankind, the Holocaust. The love that I talked about is different and so far there’s only one that I know who has this love. The one whom I talked about is God. For God does not permit the sun to shine only upon those that he favors, nor allow the rain to fall on land of those whom he likes but to all, the good and the bad. Yes, we can never be like God but whose stopping us from trying daily to do what God has mandate us to do on earth. What is stopping us from emulating God’s love?

The Freedom Writer is based on a true story. Following is an excerpt from the “Freedom Writers Foundation Site” at

“The Freedom Writers Diary is the amazing true story of strength, courage, and achievement in the face of adversity. In the fall of 1994, in Room 203 at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California, an idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell (Ms. G) faced her first group of students, dubbed by the administration as "unteachable, at-risk" teenagers. The class was a diverse mix of African-American, Latino, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Caucasian students, many of whom had grown up in rough neighborhoods in Long Beach.

Whether it was official or not, we all knew that we had been written off. Low test scores, juvenile hall, alienation, and racial hostility helped us fit the labels the educational system placed on us: “unteachable,” “below average,” and “delinquents.” Somehow, Ms. G recognized our similarities, and used them to unite us. We began writing anonymous journal entries about the adversities that we faced in our every day lives. We wrote about gangs, immigration, drugs, violence, abuse, death, anorexia, dyslexia, teenage love, weight issues, divorce, suicide, and all the other issues we never had the chance to express before. We discovered that writing is a powerful form of self expression that could help us deal with our past and move forward. Room 203 was our safe haven, where we could cry, laugh, and share our stories without being judged.”

To me this is truly an inspiring movie, that there are people out there who truly care. I have always believed that all of us can write and writings have always been a good channel to voice our thoughts, our view, our opinion and our feelings. It is truly a blessing when you go through life being given the opportunity to enrich the life of others or being given the opportunity to leave a positive impact in someone’s life.


wfadzil said...

My greatest dream is to leave this world and find that people's lives have changed because of the simple things that we do.
Its great that the inspiration that ordinary folk bring to others have been made into a movie.
Sometimes we try to do too many things to change the world, and overlook the simple things that really matter; and we forget, too that even if we alone have changed, the world is no longer the same.

engow said...

I have always wondered, on the day I die, how many ppl would actually turn up at my funeral.

I remember one of my mentor, Pn. Saliha once told me, "If u can make an impact to 1 person, that's already an achievement". So change and impact of change just need to start with one and hopefully it'll grow.