Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Four Seasons

Poems written in the 80s

Friends are like seasons
Spring, when all life came alive
That’s when a friendship bloom
It enjoys lying lazily under the sun
Feeling the warm caress of the breeze
Grows & enjoy the warmth of spring

Summer, the heat of the sun grew stronger
Heat beating down
It begins to wither
Thirst for water
Hunger for change

It withered but some stayed
It has lost all colors of life

Winter snow falls
The snow queen works begun
Freezing & breaking
What once spring has brought – Friendship

The strong will survive all seasons
For true friendship keep each other warm
For love can eliminate all spells cast
Alas, the weak, they withered and die

Memory of the seasons will remain
Sadness fills the still quiet air
But in the cycle of life
One will find yet another new start,
Another new friend
When spring comes again
Some will perish
Never to recover again
Perish along with winter.

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