Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wedding Bliss!

Notes of happiness fill the air. The day started with the usual rush, hustling with my mom for the mirror’s attention. After being absolutely sure we look presentable, we headed for my uncle’s house. It’s his eldest son, my cousin brother, Brandon Ham’s wedding today (4th October 2008). As we were slightly late, the groom had already left the house to pick up his lovely bride. I was engrossed in a conversation with a friend of mine when suddenly a deafening honking sound pierce through the air. The honking somehow demanded everyone’s attention as it announces the arrival of the bride and groom. It has always been a tradition for male kids to open the wedding carriage, I mean the car door. It is a belief that the couple would be able to get a son soon as it is all parents wish for their sons. Amin and Shahmin, Brandon’s nephew has been chosen to do the honor. The children were more than eager as this important assignment also comes with a handsome reward, a red packet each. As he stepped out of the car, flashing his contented smile, he escorted his wife into the house for the tea ceremony.

I was not one for such ceremony. I dreaded the part when the newly wed couples start to give ang pow to those “un-married ones” which mainly consist of kids or toddler and the highest attained age level is supposed to be teenagers. As I had woke up late and literally skipped breakfast. I was ravenous by 11am. Well, while everyone was busy hustling & bustling with the tea ceremony in the house, I was outside whacking the food. It was a true joy to be….ahem, the very few first people to attack the food free from any disturbances nor queue. The food was marvelous and they even have someone mending a cendol & ABC machine which ultimately become the center of attraction both for the kids and the adults as well.

After a hefty brunch, which lasted till about 1pm. For everyone’s info, we did not gorged down food for a span of 2 hours, we would burst. Well, it was a mingle between food and everyone trying to catch up with each other, especially among relatives who had not seen each other for centuries.

After my stomach was contented and was no longer complaining, my eyes were now battling with my eyelid for it fail to compromise between staying awake and the urge to sleep. We then headed back to the hotel to get some shut eye.

The wedding dinner is scheduled at 7pm at Astana Ballroom, M.S Garden hotel. Knowing “Malaysia’s time”, I had suggested that we should leave our hotel & walked across to M.S Garden at 7pm as it is only a 10 minute stroll down the road. Unfortunately, my plan was foiled when mom started her lecture on how we should be on time by 6.30pm. Hence, we all had to scramble to get ourselves ready and in record time. We successfully reached the hotel as planned. Most tables were still empty and the chairs were looking longingly for someone to warm them up. The plus point of being one of the early birds was that we get to pick a beautiful spot right behind the main table with absolutely clear view of the stage and the newly weds.

Like I say, we Malaysians are unbelievable when it comes to being on time. Seriously, I wonder, who’s the founder of this philosophy? The wedding dinner finally starts slightly after 8pm. To me well other then the newly weds, there were 2 extremely notable highlights of the night. The champion goes to the karaoke sessions. I had so much fun laughing that my stomach and diaphragm hurts from all those laughing. There were of course some good singers… there was this extremely extremely cute 5 year old who sang “Eternal Flame” and the bride, Joycelyn’s sisters and of course we also have some who are convinced that they can mesmerized the audience, if you get my drift.

The part which touches my heart was when my cousin brother gave his bride his vow based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I soon found out that he too had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. This holy matrimony is hence both a blessing and a joy.

Here’s wishing that the Lord’s blessing will be upon them as Brandon Ham & Joycelyn Tay starts their journey together as husband and wife.

Picture Courtesy of Eng Wei Yong.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all, pheeewwwweeettt! Eng sexy! Hehehe... jangan marah. Sesekali datang le office cam ni, just throw a short overcoat on top of that. Sesekali bagi officemates jawdrop apa salahnya :-D

Second, Congratulation to the newly weds.

Third, did u try the karaoke?