Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nudeus of Knowledge

One of the things I needed to do lately was to research on games or simulation for our workshop. Where could I find resources for my research other than libraries. After almost 8 years of not stepping into a library, I had visited the National Library on the 27th Sept 08 and today, 12th Oct 08.

As I set foot in the library, there was this gush of feeling that had long been submerged somehow resurface itself. The feeling grew stronger as I walked down the aisle. The euphoric feeling hits as I ooohhh and aaahhh on all those books that I found displayed on the shelf. I had took some time to visit the fiction section today after I finish my research. Each book seems to be fighting to gain my attention. Truthfully I had not felt this type of little joy for a long long time. I had borrowed 2 fictions written by Terry Brooks. Well, I hope to be able to read his 1st series, which is 1st King of Shannara, The Sword of Shannara, The Elfstones of Shannara & The Wishsong of Shannara. Unfortunately, the National Library doesn't have his full writting collection.

Another author I hope to read more of her books were from Pearl S. Buck. The 1st novel I read way back then was her book, "The Good Earth". The national library fantastic system makes it extremely hard to either locate books or to borrow them cos books are literally divided into 3 different storage area.

My next aim is to borrow War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy & An Absolute Scandal by Penny Vincenzi the next time I visit the library. Well, hopefully reading can help take me to another place, another realm, soemone elses lives so I can leave reality behind.

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