Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Nite

Dear Blog,

Gonna call it a day. Gonna go to sleep. I am in so much pain, I just hope sleep will come. So tired. Wish to find friends to talk to but non available. I guess I just miss (really really miss) those days when there are people who cares if I live or die. Now....? Well, tomorrow will be another day, I wake up, I learn to smile & be happy. I fight my feelings & thoughts & circumstances that tend to drag me down. After a full day battle, there will be casualties. I lick my wounds. A dear friend of mine says, "Shit happens" :) Yes indeed, too often sometimes.

Sometimes I have this de ja vu feeling, like its a cycle that I am unable to break. Certain days it's ok, even great sometimes. I think I depend too much on external factors to make myself happy. I need to learn to be happy because of me as a factor.

But then everything is a stage. I just need to learn to become better actress. Hahaha. Maybe then I can aim for the Academy Award or the Oscar. Yeah, right....


Monday, May 3, 2010


I am so tired I could collapse. I am working on analyzing 153 surveys in preparation for an upcoming workshop next week. I am trying to figure out how to analyze and most importantly how to interpret the data. I guess I am stuck. I need to get it done by tomorrow afternoon as I need to see my GM at 4pm to discuss the workshop script. So I am highly stress + all relevant stress symptom is beginning to show.
Last time I used to go asked this friend/colleague of mine. He is real smart & He would help. Unfortunately nowadays, he tend to push me off everytime I tried to seek advice or help. So I am trying my hardest to grit my teeth & maybe drop a few tears due to tiredness & stress. After those depressive thought of failure sets in, I'll try to get this thing done by myself. If it fails, it fails.
Another really bright thing is that next week is the workshop & me and my 3 team members have yet to meet to discuss anything. Well, yes yes I know they are good & 2 are already Sifu but everyone's just not around. Yes I know they are busy. I realised that. Well, comforting thought.....since they are good I shouldn't worried. Like I said, if it fails, it fails, no big deal.
He keeps on telling me, I am already good & etc etc etc. Well, the thing people dont understand is it's not about being me being good or not (which I dont think so) but when we work we need to discuss things with people around us, to bounce idea & etc. Hhhmmm.
All these bad experiences I had at work where at almost 99% of the time I felt that I am fighting battle alone that I have decided after this I will try not to take up these type of workshop. Well maybe once in a extreme blue moon. Well, if other people lead maybe because I know I will support & gave my 101% to ensure success. Unfortunately..... never mind, not important.
I am too poof to work anymore (almost 14 hours of work). I think I will call it a night. Maybe tomorrow things will look better.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I wish that today will not end. I had 3 laid back days without or trying my best not to think of my work or the loads of things I need to complete by next week. I wish that tomorrow is not a Monday. I wish that Monday would not come & it will stay as Sunday for a few more days. Well, reality is time will turn to days.

Venting my Frustration

I guess I have treated this blog some sort like my personal diaries. I was extremely pissed bout 2 things. One being PJ State library and the other humans who dont know how to drive.

Lately, PJ State library doesn't allow people to bring in bags. I was really irritated as I now need to carry all my 4 books in & out of the library. These books are heavy. I understand that they are concern people might nab things out from the library but they can always check people's bag. Unless they thought people would look more studious if they carry big heavy books around. It's also difficult when I need to bring my laptop to get some work done in the library. The difficult part was if I need to stay in the library for several hours. If I need to use the washroom, with my bag, at least I could sling my laptop & go to the loo. Now how am I gonna do that, bite the laptop in my teeth? Just stupid. However, today when I was there, I saw them allowed 2 teenagers carry their bag in. I was in a rush so I did not enquire but I hope they are not practicing double standard.

Second, people nowadays just dont put signal when they drive, why? Is it because they were never taught by their driving instructor, their signals were spoilt, they expect people to read their mind or they just plain irritatingly & idiotically dont care. Also, people tend to drive right on the white line dividing between two lanes. Duh!!!! What, they think the line is a guideline for them to drive in a straight line?

It's either everything around me is just plain irritating or I am extremely irritated & angry with avery little thing that happen around me. I have grown to be impatient with many a things too. Why does all these things get on my nerve so much?