Sunday, August 3, 2008

This is written on 3rd August 2008 at 12.30am. I was admitted to the hospital for couple of days. My main concerns was that i dont know what to do during that few days. My friends told me that I could use that time to write since on normal days I would be tied up with work. But alas, inspiration and ideas doesn't come in those environments. Then as soon as I was discharge & as I lay on my bed (ah sweet comfortable bed of mine), that's when the inspiration came.

Do not ask of the pain I go through
For you may not know
Do not ask of the tears that flow
For you will not see
Do not ask of my discomfort
For I hope that you will never go through
So then in the midst of all that seems
Lost, bleak, dark & despair
All I need, is a pair of hands
Stretch out for me to hold on
A smile, so comforting
It melts away the pain
A hug, so warm
It melts away the despair
A shoulder
To put those tears at bay
Understanding & support
That drives away.... the last bit
of darkness.

Where then could I find all these?
One does not need to go far
For its there
You will be able to find it
Through your love ones,
Your family,
Your friends.

How then could I capture,
To store
To embalm
Those precious moments in life
All those smiles,
Those hugs
Those laughter
I had only wish
I could bottled it up
All that is good
All that is happy
So it will last forever more
Never diminish
Never perish

Memories will fade
Once one grow old
Bottled I shall
These memories of mine
So it would last through time and age
Bottled I shall
These memories of mine
One fine day
When all is pen down
But till then
Memories will do.

1 comment:

kay said...

Harum semerbak bunga kemboja
Ditanam orang atas pusara
Harap dek Eng tak mengikut rasa
Bimbang diri yang akan sengsara